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Sharks killed a year 


Endangered Shark Species 


Sharks Killed In Last 15 Years


Earth for Us to Protect

About Last Chance

We are the first generation to realize our mistakes, and the last with a chance to fix them.  We at Last Chance wish to help shape Hong Kong into a greener, more sustainable, and shark friendly city.


Upcoming Projects to Fund

When you are funding our projects, you are not just helping Last Chance to achieve our goals, but you are also helping millions of sharks across the world who are caught in the middle of this unethical trade.

Underwater Creatures


Saving the world's sharks begins at your computer, dining table, or home. Your funding will make a big difference to us and all the sharks silently pleading to stop shark finning. Take action now and join the motion to stop shark finning today! 

Public Demonstration

Places to boycott

Boycotting restaurants is an easy and effective way to stop restaurants from serving shark fins. When many people boycott a restaurants, the restaurant is put under peer and financial pressure to change their ways and do the right thing.

To help you when you boycott restaurants, the Last Chance team has created a map on different shops and restaurants in Hong Kong that you should avoid. 



Not all shark fin sellers are listed on the map, but we are working hard to expand our map.

Click here to learn more about how you can take action to stop shark finning.

All the Latest Updates

Read all the latest news to learn about why shark finning is a big issue, and if our generation can't solve it no generation can.

Get to Know Us

We are 2 Grade 5 students studying in ISF. When we walk around the streets , everywhere we look, we see shark fins on sale, and people sweeping dried shark fins of the shelves ,  we see people devouring shark fin soup in restaurants, and clinking  their glasses as they gulp down shark fin soup, celebrating a special day, yet unaware of the cruelty and immorality behind this innocent looking dish.   That is why we want to take action to turn Hong Kong into a greener, more sustainable, shark friendly city.

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Contact Us

Tell us about restraunts that serve shark fin soup, we plan to make a data base to store all the places the that serve shark fin products in hong kong.

Thank you for your participation!

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© 2021, Kabir Mirza and Casey Lee, Some rights reserved.

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